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Here are the testimonials of those that have had various procedures at Dr. Littner's office.

Dr. Littner has been my dentist since I was a little girl and I would NEVER go anywhere else. Along with his staff, Dr. Littner is amazingly helpful, sweet, and knowledgable. I actually love going to the dentist! Thank you.

I can't imagine going anywhere else to have my teeth cleaned or worked on. I would seriously consider even morgaging my home for a healthy tooth!!

Finding a great dentist can be difficult at best. I am happy to say that my search ended at Cornerstone Dental when I fould Dr. Littner. Dr. Littner is a caring compasionate dentist that puts his patients first. I saw him for an infected tooth that needed a root canal. He was able to start the root canal and give me anti-biotics to kill the infection. Throughout the process he and his staff treated me with the utmost care. Several calls have been made just to check on me. The Sunday before the initial procedure the pain was so bad I could barely talk when I called the office. Dr. Littner promptly called back and agreed to meet me at his office. He adjusted my bite, put me on anti-biotics and got me out of pain. He also rearanged his schedule to fit me in that Tuesday so he could finish the procedure ASAP. It was a long journey to find the perfect dentist, but I am happy to say that I stopped looking when I found Dr. Littner and his staff. I would recommend Cornerst one Dental to anyone looking for a great dentist.


This is the most family friendly practice! They even held my baby for me! What fantastic staff! Excellent care-Excellent treatment! Can't thank you enough! Thank you so much Dr. Littner and your office staff

I come to the U.S. twice a year only to see you guys! Dr. Littner and your team are the best! Thank you for your wonderful services!

Laura from China

I have been so fearful of dentists but coming to Cornerstone Dental, for me, is like going on vacation. It is painless, and relaxing. Its actually a wonderful experience.

Thank you. T.O.

The staff is warm and friendly. The cleaning I had was extremely thorough, and Susan gave me advice to help my teeth in the future. Carolyn goes over and above trying to fit me into appointments , and efficiently takes care of insurance so I have no problems. Jeanne, per my request, calls me whenever there is a cancellation or later appointment, so I can take advantage of not missing any work. Dr. Littner is always singing, smiling, welcoming..and he does great work! If it wasn't for the drill and novacaine needle, I'd LOVE it there!


To whom it may concern:

A trip to the dentist needn't be an unpleasant experience. Especially if your dentist happens to be Dr. Thomas Littner of Cornerstone Dental. Dr. Littner's office staff is professional and personable and his office is deliberately inviting, to the extent of the blue skys and palm trees on the ceiling lights, to the relaxation sounds of nature as you recline.

Dr. Littner also keeps up with all of the latest trends and equipment as well. Only at Cornerstone Dental have I ever had x-rays done where I did not have an oversized film stuck into my gums while the technician instructed me to "hold still". Dr. Littner has an apparatus that actually fits your mouth to minimize discomfort.

For someone who has historically suffered hours of anxiety over scheduled dental appointments, Cornerstone Dental is a dream come true.

Jeanne-Marie Lowell

Anxiety Free dentistry, Is it possible? Not for me. This is Debbie with the FOX (96.7 & 103.1) Since childhood, fear of the dentist has been overwhelming, so much so I wouldn't go. Can you relate? But my most recent experience with Cornerstone Dental in Middletown changed everything. I have never met anyone who say's "I love going to the dentist" and I might never either, but I can say I almost enjoy it. Cornerstone Dental is gentle and they care about how you feel. Dr. Littner & his staff know how to take the fear out of your visit, so visit them @ 123 Academy Avenue, Middletown or call them.

Debbie Goudreau
FOX Radio 103.1

Dear Dr. Littner,

I just want to send a note of appreciation to all involved this morning in getting me in, repaired and on my way back to MHS, and so quickly! I was on my way back to school, having driven my son home from the one class he had scheduled today. Calling for an appointment when I got back was on my agenda - but as I approached Hoffman on Dolson I thought it'd be just as easy to stop, set a time for after school today or tomorrow, and save having to call. I never dreamed I'd get immediate attention. At this end of the day it is so great to have it all taken care of. And the tooth with crown feels so much better. Thank you again - see you July 20.

Dennis Vernooy

Dear Dr. Littner,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to you and your staff. Almost two and a half years ago I walked into your office filled with uncertainty about whether or not to get braces. I knew no doubt that I needed them; I have always been self-conscious about my teeth but at twenty-five I wasn’t sure if I wanted a mouth full of metal.

You and your staff immediately made me feel comfortable, and accommodated me with Ceramic braces which made my decision a relatively easy one. I was going with my gut and decided to have Cornerstone Dental do the orthodontic work on my teeth .

Throughout my experience, I can honestly say the treatment and professionalism I have received has been outstanding. You are truly fortunate to be surrounded by such a great and caring staff. I cannot recall a day when I did not receive a smile, a hug, or a word of encouragement along the way. It truly made coming to your office, X amount of times during the years less of a chore.

Doc, you said two and a half years ago, that you were going to make a “beautiful gal even more beautiful.” Well, I thank you for that and for this smile that I can’t seem to make go away.

Thank you,
Christine Medina