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White fillings or composites are the restorations of choice since they look so good and do not have any metal in them. I have not done a silver amalgam filling for over 10 years now and they do hold up as well as the silver metal fillings. There are many reasons to have a white filling and in the case above you can see it can be an alternative to doing crowns. We can do all this painlessly because "we are GENTLE at Cornerstone Dental".

Thomas E. Littner D.D.S.,P.C.,
General Dentistry, Dental Sleep and Oral Systemic Medicine

123 Academy Avenue, Middletown, New York 10940 (845) 342-4668


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Tooth Colored Fillings - Dear Doctor Magazine

The Beauty of Tooth Colored Fillings
The public's demand for aesthetic tooth colored (metal free) restorations (fillings) together with the dental profession's desire to preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible, has led to the development of special "adhesive" tooth colored restorations... Read Article

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Written by dental professionals, Dear Doctor - Dentistry & Oral Health magazine is packed with informative articles and consultations in all aspects of dentistry including Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry, Implantology, Periodontics, Oral Health & Hygiene, Oral Surgery & Medicine, Pediatric Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Hygiene. Dear Doctor also provides you with an opportunity to win a smile makeover.

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